Gardening Group
Richard Caraccio
We are a small team of volunteers who meet weekly to maintain and care for the garden and ground areas around our Church. The group was set up a few years ago but due to the Covid pandemic, gardening maintenance work ceased in the main for almost two years apart from the grass and hedge cutting which was carried out by a local contractor. This work continues to be carried out by the contractor and over the past eighteen months the gardening team are back maintaining and looking after the general garden areas.
The original team consisted of just two or three very keen and willing volunteers, but in the past year the team has grown to six, with two extra helpers joining last autumn.
We normally meet for about 3 hours on a Monday or Wednesday morning, although one of our helpers comes in on a Saturday as he works full time during the week. We sometimes  alter the days we work according to the weather. Gardening in the rain isn’t much fun… and we do enjoy our time working together, especially in fine weather…
Our general tasks include weeding the flower beds, cutting and pruning shrubs and in the autumn leaf clearing. If you are interested in joining us, have one or two hours spare during the week or whenever you can join us –  Please get in touch if you think you can help or just come and meet us to find out more… There is no age limit and if you can only spare a few hours from time to time, you are most welcome.
07711 505396