Church Cleaning
Maggie Acres
Church Cleaning is an enjoyable thing to do! We do what we can in the lovely atmosphere and peace of the church (apart from when the vacuum cleaner is on!). It feels a privilege to do it.
The church cleaning group at present is made up of 12 people, female and male, and a variety of ages. The church is cleaned once a week, usually in pairs, although some people prefer to do it alone. We could even have a family cleaning if the children would like to join in. We have a rota and so clean every 6 or 7 weeks, and it does not take up a great deal of our time. In the week when it is your turn you choose the day and time to clean, and I would say it takes about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Once a year, before Easter, we all get together and do a ‘Spring Clean’ on a Saturday morning which usually takes less than 2 hours and is followed by coffee and hot cross buns!
We would love to have more cleaners on our rota. If you are interested in joining us you would be very welcome, just give Maggie a call on 01202 885913.
Home: 01202 885913